Since Miss M is the reason for this blog I figured that I would give you all a quick update. Last Weds I went for a Level 2 Ultrasound to check on Miss M's little oddities that were discovered at her 20 week anatomy scan. I wasn't really concerned with the findings because a) My quad screen had come back negative for Downs and such, b) It was done in my OB's office not at a real Ultrasound Tech's office, c) My former OB had a tendency to turn pregnancy into a medical emergency so I did my research on what the findings were and knew that they were common. So what were these oddities?
Well Miss M had a small cyst on her brain, a slight dilation of one of her kidneys, and ....the tech couldn't see the top bone in her pinkie.... seriously, her pinkie!
My new (and awesome) OB was most interested in making sure that kidney was not dilated more, he laughed actually at the pinkie thing. And he sent me to an office that only does this sort of thing so that we knew that the findings were more conclusive.
Luckily not only is everything 100% perfect but she is actually growing a little ahead of schedule. Do you see those chubby cheeks?! No wonder I am not gaining any weight, this kiddo is taking all the good stuff! The tech was really cool and I got to see all 4 chambers of her heart working away, her tugging on her cord like it is a dinner bell, and she even got feisty with the tech by kicking the doppler off my belly!
So there ya go... everything is good and on schedule. Maybe this little chipmunk will cook a little faster and be a November baby instead of the December baby she is supposed to be!